
Damask & Pearls

The lovely Miss. Tiffanie.
I love, love, love my Drop It Modern! backdrops

Tiffanie's boyfriend love, love, loves her booty! :)
As a person with a shoe fetish, let me just say I want those leopard pumps!
We took these at Tiff's mom's house. Hello! Perfect boudoir studio.
Are you kidding me with those legs?!?
Eat your heart out flashdance! Where's the water?! Ha Ha!

Keepin' Up w/ The Kitten!

The beautiful blue eyed, Savannah "Kitten" Goodwin.I used to shake her mama's belly when she was pregnant with Savannah to get her to kick. I won her over from the start :) I nicknamed her Kitten because her mom's name is Cat. It stuck & I'm pretty sure I'll call her that even when she's 20!
Fluff butt!
She was saying, "Boooooooooo!" Trying to scare me :)
I'm pretty sure she was over having her picture taken, but I couldn't resist snapping her little attitude while it can still be considered "adorable"!
Workin' the 'tude!
I love the Kitten & the Goodwins! Your daughter is beautiful! ♥